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SupportMart Tech Support

Friday, December 27, 2013

A next-gen personal search assistant soon to be revealed by Google

Google, the biggest shark in the ocean of search engines, constantly focuses on making search smarter. To make this possible, the company is soon going to create a personal assistant to give users smarter results while searching on Google.

The search results page on Google is shortly going to resemble a personal assistant and not just a search tool. This nextgen concept for making search user-friendly aims at making the tasks a person does using Google everyday simpler, as the time of the day moves by.

The search transformation will even cover cases when a user interacts with Google, but without making use of an actual screen, For example, when they are in a living room, their car or any other place away from the computer screen. Also, the need for speakers and microphones that present the “OK Google” voice command may seem absent.

An assistant can be called ultimate only when they can do much more than carrying on a conversation, in fact being proactive is needed, which is where Google Now enters.

Google Now has proved of ample use which searches through the Gmail inbox to know about your habits, reservations, travel bookings and everything else about you that your email box contains. Google is believed to continue revamping or improving this platform and is even expected to open it up soon for developers.

The next generation of Google Search now aims at how third-party developers can fit-in the new information into their Knowledge Graph, meanwhile the concept of tricking Google algorithms to acquire better page ranks than the competitors will now seem little less significant. Well, it’s time now to change is what finally Google is telling out to users!

About Author : The author is an experienced Remote computer repair specialist who works at SupportMart. The company is a leading name in this scenario known to offer reliable Microsoft Windows 7 Tech Support that can be availed anytime and any day with just one call at the Microsoft technical Support number 1 800 793 7521 toll free.

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